Mortification of Spin
Season 1

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Old Made New
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
It seems a lot of “New Testament Christians” would prefer to simply dispose of the Old Testament. Perhaps that’s because it’s often difficult for modern believers to find relevance in the rules and wrath of a seemingly angry, vengeful Old Testament God. Today’s guest posits that simply writing off the Old Testament is not an option, so perhaps we might start our study of the Old by examining key chapters of the New.
In his book, Old Made New: A Guide to New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Greg Lanier aligns Old and New Covenant passages along 13 major themes of the Bible and provides a “big picture” understanding of the Old Testament’s primacy in such New Testament themes as grace, adoption, sanctification, and more. As a bonus, our hosts and guest briefly discuss how annoying certain English accents can be. Don’t miss a minute!
Congrats to our winners of Greg’s Old Made New: A Guide to New Testament Use of the Old Testament, courtesy of Crossway Books:
*J.C. from Columbus, OH
*Tracy A. from Metairie, LA
*Collin V. from Edgerton, MN
Show Notes
*Old Made New Study Guide
*Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Gospel-Shaped Marriage
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Having established that Carl has neither the hair nor the physique to hang with Snooki and company at the Jersey Shore, our curmudgeonly cohosts welcome the much better-behaved Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn into the mix. The pair met at seminary, married, and—five children later—offer sound advice for couples desiring to build a Gospel-Shaped Marriage.
Those who struggle with concepts like “headship” and “submission” in marriage will find satisfying, biblical answers to their questions in the Van Dixhoorns’ book. Remembering how God uses marriage as a means of discipleship, couples can begin to help one another in their shared calling to love and respect their spouse.
Congrats to our winners of a copy of Gospel-Shaped Marriage: Grace for Sinners to Love Like Saints:
*Samuel B. from St. Petersburg, FL
*Flynn E. from Louisville, KY
*David V. of Merced, CA

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
I Feel the Need...
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Iceman and Maverick (aka J.V. Fesko and Craig Carter) are feeling the need…the need for creeds. Though neither will claim the title of “top gun,” both will speak of the necessity of creeds in the life of the Church as they headline the 2022 Prince George’s Conference on Reformed Theology in September. In addition, Iceman—uh, Fesko—has penned an exceptional book on the subject, which provides the foundation for today’s conversation.
Carl and Todd (the Orville and Wilbur Wright of podcasting) engage their “dangerous” guests in a discussion of the biblical and historical case for the creeds and confessions, showing why they are essential for Christian faith and practice today.
Congratulation to our winners of copies of JV Fesko’s book—The Need for Creeds Today: Confessional Faith in a Faithless Age:
*Wayne S. from Gardendale, AL
*Michael M. from Spartanburg, SC
Show Notes
The 2022 Prince George’s Conference on Reformed Theology

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Jesus and the God of Classical Theism
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
From his high perch within a “boutique denomination,” Carl feels comfortable taking shots at Todd and the much larger PCA. With the sniping finally in check, the didactic duo brings aboard a special guest.
Dr. Steven Duby is the author of Jesus and the God of Classical Theism: Biblical Christology in Light of the Doctrine of God. He’s associate professor of theology at Phoenix Seminary and has written several substantial books on the Doctrine of God. In his latest, Duby asserts that—when Classical Theism informs our Christology—we can better understand Jesus’ unique incarnation, how He relates to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the efficacy of the Lord’s atonement.
Congratulations to our winners of a copy of Stephen’s book:
*Michael H. from Ft. Lee, NJ
*Annette Y. of Bull Valley, IL

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Should Anyone Cause These Little Ones to Stumble...
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
After revisiting the “trouser color” debate of 2019 (Carl claims a sort of “sartorial panache”), our hosts settle into a more serious discussion. A rather high-profile government appointee publicly displays what is—to most—a rather deplorable lifestyle. Should the Christian say nothing about what this man does in his “private life?” Or should a public servant’s behavior be held to a higher standard?
The conversation naturally moves to the public good and our obligation to the most vulnerable in society: children. Is teaching transgender issues to second graders a deplorable practice or a mere First Amendment exercise? Carl and Todd frankly address the issue and the solution only the Church can offer.
Congratulations to our winners of a copy of Laura Perry’s From Transgender to Transformed: A Story of Transition That Will Truly Set You Free.
*Lee Ann G. of Oklahoma City, OK
*Jeff G. from Lincoln, NE
*Michel V. from Hampton, GA

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Carl’s ongoing tour in support of his best-selling book provides numerous opportunities to hear from others striving to explain the paradigm of this strange new world. A voice that particularly captured the professor’s attention joins our conversation today.
Is identity primarily defined by race? Monique Duson reminds us that, as a believer, your identity begins with who you are in Christ. Thus, the Church is our best hope for solving the challenges of racism and inequality. A one-time advocate for Critical Race Theory (CRT), Monique discovered the contradictions between the vision of CRT and the Christian worldview, and founded the Center for Biblical Unity (CFBU), leading respectful and Bible-centered conversations about race, justice, and unity.
Whether you’ve been “canceled,” or seek to provoke meaningful conversations about diversity and inclusion, Monique’s small group curriculum Reconciled outlines a biblical approach to racial unity. Congratulations to our winner of a copy of the curriculum, Bret R. from San Luis Obispo, CA.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Confessions of a French Atheist
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
It’s one of the more intriguing titles one might encounter--Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked my Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith. And as our heroes settle in to discuss the book, Messieurs Trueman and Pruitt find its author to be just as engaging. No longer an atheist (but still very much French), Guillaume Bignon is an analytical philosopher and computer scientist working in New York’s financial industry. Guillaume came to faith through an unlikely series of providential meetings and conversations with Christians around the world. As the foundations of his unbelief began to crumble, Bignon discovered the wonder of a God that offers salvation freely and not by good works. Listen as the three discuss miracles, evolution, and the intersection of faith and science.
Congratulations to our winners of Guillaume’s book, courtesy of Tyndale House:
*Timm H. of Berwyn, IL
*Mark F. of Lancaster, PA
*Debby F. from Wofford Heights, CA

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Mission: Translation
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Carl welcomes a rare participant into today’s discussion: a former student still willing to acknowledge the experience! Kyle Davis is an American serving in South Africa as the Bible Translation Fellowship executive director. Kyle asserts that there are over 7300 languages in the world, yet a complete translation of the Scriptures is available in only 10% of those tongues.
Such sobering statistics compel Kyle to provide support for those who make Bible translation their mission. As many within the Church are moving away from the written Word toward narrative and storytelling, Davis reminds us that God gave us a Book, and all literate language groups need to learn from its text. Listen, and gain a fresh appreciation for the value of Scripture.
Congratulations to our winners of Vern Poythress’ In the Beginning Was the Word:
*Parker B. from Marietta, GA
*James A. from Marshall, MN
*Walker T. from Auburn, AL
Show Notes

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Doublethink and Newspeak
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
The “Lady Writer” who (perhaps unwittingly) bestowed upon our own Todd Pruitt his “Major Pastor” credentials is today’s special guest. Co-host, professor, and rap artist Carl Trueman joins in to welcome Megan Basham, culture reporter for the Daily Wire. All superfluous titles aside, the three discuss an essential topic: the disturbing state of what is currently referred to as "responsible journalism."
Why have the mainstream news and entertainment media become mere PR outlets for the political and cultural elites? When did journalists stop holding our leaders accountable, choosing instead to defend a singular perspective that would make even Orwell blush? Megan takes on her media colleagues and the most controversial topics of the day in this high-energy conversation!

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
In the Shadow of the Rock
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Though pastoral duties call Todd away from the podcast today, Carl nonetheless enjoys a pleasant conversation with Geoffrey Thomas. Our guest is a seminary professor and conference speaker who served over 50 years behind a pulpit in Aberystwyth, Wales. Geoffrey’s outstanding autobiography, In the Shadow of the Rock, recalls the friendships gained and lessons learned over decades of ministering the Word.
Thomas recalls some of his favorite teachers (John Murray, Cornelius Van Til, et al.), his formative years in the pastorate, and the tale of a close (automotive) encounter with the late J.I. Packer! Thomas’ joy is evident throughout as Carl delights in interviewing one of his heroes. Don’t miss it!
Congratulations to our winners of a free copy of In the Shadow of the Rock:
*Chris S. of Bowie, MD
*Keith W. from Guelph, Ontario
*Tim R. from Cumming, GA