After Carl and Todd try to steal the spotlight, Aimee finally gets to introduce our guest. Colleen McFadden is Director of Women’s Workshops for the Charles Simeon Trust. She’s happy to share how Simeon Trust started, what sparked the need to begin women’s workshops, and how those workshops help women teach the Bible expositionally as they serve their local churches and support their leadership.What are some common difficulties women - and men - encounter while preparing to teach a passage? Colleen has noticed a trend, and she’s ready to tackle the issue by using some basic principles. Can we imagine the countless benefits of having a congregation full of biblically-literate men, and women?Show notesMore about Simeon TrustExpositional Preaching by David HelmSaving EutychusPer our guest recommendation, we’re giving away few copies of Saving Eutychus by Millar and Campbell, a gift from Matthias Media. You might win one if you register with us!