When should a church be concerned, or even discipline a member for his personal views on a given issue?Todd, Carl, and Aimee weigh in on problematic personal views of church members. Their discussion is brought on by a PCA elder who holds pro-choice views running for public office. Are issues like abortion, racism, opposition to interracial marriage, a matter of concern to local churches and to denominations? The crew takes into account Christian non-negotiables and secondary issues, and who the persons holding the troubling views are: new believers in need of discipleship or an office bearer in the church? Listen to the connection between the Sixth Commandment, the Westminster Confession and Larger Catechism, the concept of personhood, and man as the image of God.We’re pleased to give away a few copies of the book Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ethics and the Beginning of Human Life by Megan Best, courtesy of Matthias Media. Please sign up for a chance to win! And while you are there, be sure to browse our store where you will find this title, also for purchase, and other books and audio from trustworthy authors and Alliance speakers.We got winners!!!These are the winners of “The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race In America” by Shelby Steele from our recent show Social Justice Black Hole. If you’re not among them, we’ll be offering this title for purchase through our Reformed Resources for the next 4 weeks.Herwyn T. - Airdrie, AlbertaAmdrew M. - Savage - MNBruce P. - Bismarck - NDChristopher A. - Philadelphia - PAJonathan L. - Stanton - CA