After public confession of generational sin and absolution at the hands of the Spin team, Dr. Jonathan Master is ready to talk about pastoral integrity, accountability, disqualifying sin in the minister’s life, and the response from the church. Spoiler: No cover up here!Jon is the host of Theology on the Go - the other podcast of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals! He’s also professor of theology, dean of the School of Divinity at Cairn University, and a minister in the OPC.Today, we're reminded that it’s for good reason that Paul tells Timothy to watch his life and doctrine closely - lives are at stake… eternally! Yet, we can't forget that ministers are sinners too and fellow travelers on the road of sanctification. Jonathan helps us spot the fine line between indwelling sin, humility, and washing dirty laundry in front of the congregation.We have a several copies of "Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome" by Kent and Barbara Hughes courtesy of Crossway that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.