Is “out with the old, in with the new” something you can do with parts of the Bible? The crew takes a look at a statement made by Andy Stanley, suggesting that Christians “unhitch” the Old Testament from their faith. Meanwhile, Carl digs into his historical archives and pulls a file of someone who made the same statement some 1,850 years ago.Imagine what Paul and the apostles would have had left if they had “unhitched” from the Old Testament and the Jewish historical tradition; what would Jesus have been talking about with the men on the road to Emmaus if He had done the same?Can we completely ditch the Ten Commandments, and affirm that Jesus gave only one command: to love one another? Listen in to hear how Stanley’s statements play out when the whole counsel of the Bible is considered.ResourcesGod Dwells Among Us by G.K. Beale and Mitchell KimFrom Eden to the New Jerusalem by Desmond AlexanderWe recommend God Dwells Among Us as one of the best resources on this topic, and we’re pleased to give away a few copies. Register for the opportunity to win one.The copies are a generous gift from our friends at InterVarsity Press.Congratulations to the winners of Journeys with Jesus: Every Path in the Bible Leads us to Christ from our episode The Making of a Minister.Andrew M. - Savage, MNFranklin S. - Cincinnati, OHSuzanne M. - Elk Grove, CAAbigail R. - Beltsville, MDDavid M. - Athens, GA