Westminster Seminary California is a confessional institution committed to supplying churches with Bible specialists--and we’re about to find out how they do it.The crew shares a sit-down with Dr. Joel Kim. He’s the president of WSC, and passionate about the great mission and privilege of preparing men and women to serve. Joel’s happy to share his thoughts about the vital role of the local church working in partnership with the seminary in the making of ministers. Also on the table: how do churches deal with the moral and ethical issues of ministers-to-be who graduate with student debt? Do those churches have a role to fulfill concerning financial support? Dr. Kim offers compelling food for thought.We’re pleased to give away Journeys With Jesus: Every Path in the Bible Leads Us to Christ by WSC faculty member, Dr. Dennis Johnson. Please register for the opportunity to win a free copy; they’re a generous gift from our friends at P&R Publishing.Congratulations to the winners of Jesus Becoming Jesus:Jeremy C. - Harrison, TNLewis N. - Watkinsville, GA