After a few weeks of solo hosting chores, Carl and Todd are back together and ready to tackle some pressing current affairs. The hot button issues of the day include the notions of “personhood” and “identity” as represented by Revoice, the PCA study committee report, and the opposition to passing overtures 23 and 37 to amend the Book of Church Order. Is the definition of “identity” ambiguous or unclear in the proposed overtures, or are some ministers backpedaling on what they previously affirmed to be true? An objective question requires a clear-cut and unequivocal answer, so Todd poses his queries to Carl, who—literally—“wrote the book” on issues of identity. Check out our previous episode with Fred Greco addressing the PCA Overtures. Congratulations to our winners of Kevin DeYoung’s book, What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? Eddie B. from Rocky Mount, NC Chris B. from Camp Hill, PA James C. from Chicago, IL