Liam Goligher is back. He’s one of the speakers at the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, coming up this March in Grand Rapids and April in Philadelphia. The theme of the conference this year is Redemption Accomplished and Applied.From the comfort of his living room couch, Liam chats with the Spin Team about one of his messages—"Sanctification by Grace”—and how that process is vitally connected to classical theism. What do we lose in sanctification when we minimize the doctrine of God? This conversation flips from the sacred, to the silly, and back again. Don’t miss it!Show NotesScripture and Metaphysics: Aquinas and the Renewal of Trinitarian Theology (Challenges in Contemporary Theology) by Matthew LeveringRegister for the opportunity to win free registration for the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology to hear Liam Goligher, Kevin DeYoung, Ian Hamilton, David Murray, and others.