As newly-minted grandfather Carl Trueman settles into his cardigan sweater and comfortable shoes, the always-youthful and vibrant Todd Pruitt steps up to help welcome a special guest. Terry Johnson is the 34-year senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, and a respected author. Terry’s latest release—Understanding Family Worship—is a companion piece to his landmark 2009 book on family devotions. Why can it be difficult for parents—especially dads—to initiate and take the lead in family worship? Families enjoyed daily devotionals throughout Christian history, so what has changed in recent generations? Terry makes a convincing and detailed argument for why your family needs to gather for worship and how it might be done in your own home. Congratulations to our winners of Terry Johnson’s Understanding Family Worship: Its History, Theology, and Practice: *Benjamin C. of Pittsburgh, PA *Taylor K. from Huntsville, AL *Vernon G. of Sparks, NV *Nathan A. of Dyer, IN