What does the Supreme Court ruling on the Masterpiece Cakeshop signify for religious freedom from the conservative perspective? Should the decision be celebrated or not quite yet?The crew welcomes Dr. Matthew Franck to shed some insight on this case and to answer a few other questions. He’s Director of the William E. and Carol G. Simon Center on Religion and the Constitution and author of a vast number of publications.As a scholar of constitutional law, Matt attaches himself to the text and its original meaning and reminds us that the free exercise of religion is in the first amendment and, therefore, superior to other societal notions of “freedom”. He also offers helpful advice to Christian individuals and small institutions. Grab a piece of cake and join us!Show NotesAbout Matt FranckAlliance Defending FreedomThe Anscombe SocietyPrinceton Pro-LifeThe Public DiscourseMasterpiece Cakeshop X Colorado Civil Rights Commission Book What is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A DefenseBook Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious FreedomBook When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender MomentEssay The Power of the PowerlessWe are grateful to our guest Matt Franck and to the Witherspoon Institute for giving us copies of Religious Freedom: Why Now? Defending an Embattled Human Rightto be given away. You just need to sign up for the opportunity to win one.