While Carl is globetrotting, fulfilling speaking engagements about what is (thus far) his magnum opus, Todd makes a promise to the loyal listeners of this podcast. As he’s the only host present, our megachurch minister sits down with a good friend to discuss a pressing issue in their common denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). It’s Fred Greco, pastor of Christ Church in Katy, TX, a General Assembly (GA) veteran trained in the art of unambiguous language. The two discuss this year’s passing of Overtures 23 and 37 at the GA and why the PCA should adopt them and amend the Book of Church Order. What are these overtures about? Why are they so significant for the future of the denomination? Todd and Fred review the proposals and discuss the objections raised by those who oppose them. Listen thoughtfully, because even if you’re not in a PCA church, the same issues may soon be knocking at the door of your denomination.