No Going Back!Aimee finally gets an ally! Interestingly enough, she’s the only other woman ever to receive the esteemed title of “honorary guy” on the podcast: author and speaker, Nancy Guthrie.Nancy joins the crew today to dismiss some misconceptions about the Garden of Eden, and help us with a biblical understanding of our eternal destination. Are believers on their way back to Eden--back to the same state Adam and Eve were in before the fall? Nancy shows us that what’s truly ahead for God’s children is Even Better than Eden! Listen as Nancy shares her passion for biblical theology, and how Genesis 3 answered many of the personal questions she asked amid painful life circumstances.=========Show Notes·More about Nancy·2 Corinthians 5:17·A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New by G. K. Beale·Kingdom Prologue: Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview by Meredith Kline·Images of the Spirit by Meredith Kline·Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments by Geerhardus Vos·Last Things First by J. V. Fesko·Covenant Theology Audio Lecture Series by J. Ligon Duncan·Adam and the Bible lecture by Lane Tipton Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Nancy’s Even Better Than Eden. The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway. Congrats to our winners of Between Wittenberg and Geneva by Carl Trueman and Robert Kolb, from the episode Two Traditions:Kevin M. Lancaster, PAThomas G. Mascoutah, ILJennifer L. Mclean, VA