This is a special pandemic edition of The Spin, as Carl, Todd, and Aimee record—not just 6 feet away, but—100 miles distant from one another, just to be on the safe side. COVID-19 times can be challenging, and they’ve afforded Todd a new opportunity to complement his pastoral calling. The megachurch minister is now a gifted “Mental Toughness Expert,” and he’s making his services available when churches are unable to meet, due to mandatory isolation. Seriously…what do Christians lose when they can’t meet to worship? Is online “church” a good substitute? What could be the lasting effects of not physically assembling with the saints on the Lord’s Day? And, most intriguingly: is social distancing turning some Roman Catholics into Lutherans? Check our website for valuable resources, and—if you’re so inclined--make a donation to help keep us afloat! Show Notes · Moral Matters: A Philosophy of Homecoming by Mark Dooley