Learning from the Smyth-Fletcher Abuse Carl flies solo today as he speaks with the Rev. Dr. Peter Sanlon, an old friend and a minister in the Anglican Church in the UK. Their conversation is a somber one dealing with a horrific scandal of abuse that has emerged in the past couple of years involving a prominent Anglican minister, the Reverend Jonathan Fletcher. The full report of the abuses made public just a week ago is challenging to understand when reviewed on this side of the Atlantic, due to its cultural and religious context. Peter provides background information and explains the connection with another prominent name, the late John Smyth. What about the victims who have come forward? Is there a system in place to care for them, and how is that done? The notes below link to additional information about the scandal and to a charity where victims can find help. Show Notes: Support for victims or those affected by Fletcher: Email thirtyone:eight charity in confidence for details of fund to provide counseling: ecwsupportfund@thirtyoneeight.org Reviews on Smyth: https://soulinformation.org/su-report-executive-summary thirtyone:eight review on Fletcher: https://walkingwith.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Final+Report+of+ECW+Review_March+2021.pdf IAG statement on Fletcher review: https://soulinformation.org/iagstatement Learning about abuse: https://soulinformation.org/video-resources The Making of Them by Nick Duffell We’re pleased to offer an important resource on this topic. Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of Something’s Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse and Freeing Yourself from Its Power. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Tyndale Momentum.