Insuppressible Intelligent DesignDouglas Axe is invited to the bunker. He’s the author of Undeniable, and the director of the Biologic Institute in Seattle. Alongside Gabe Fluhrer and Derek Thomas, Douglas will speak at Insuppressible: Glory, Gospel, and the Design of Life, a conference of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and the Pensacola Theological Institute happening July 27-29 in Pensacola, FL.Douglas shares a preview of this fascinating conference, and recalls how--as a young believer—he noticed an inappropriate use of the sciences being put in direct opposition to faith. That observation compelled the Cambridge researcher and CalTech PhD to pursue biblical apologetics through science. You don’t want to miss this conversation! Show NotesUndeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is DesignedBiologic InstituteInsuppressible ConferencePensacola Theological InstitutePhilosopher Thomas NagelMind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False by Thomas NagelIf you want to be at the Insuppressible conference in Pensacola, FL on July 27 - 29, sign up for the opportunity to win free registrations.