The crew is stoked that Daniel Hyde has agreed to take them on dawn patrol to teach them some rad surf moves. After multiple failed attempts to simply keep the bennys on deck, they take a break to talk about Danny’s favorite hair gel and his book, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace, a timeless take on the Second Commandment.How has the Second Commandment been applied historically and in what ways can it be violated? Why does it all matter? Pastor Danny uses the Heidelberg Catechism to address the heart issue, but--above all--he emphasizes the positive aspect of the visible elements that Christ has given us. So, grab your board and join our party wave.Show NotesMeet pastor Danny and Oceanside United Reformed ChurchSurfing terms and slangsHeidelberg Catechism Q. 98Belgic Confession Article 33We’re pleased to be giving away few copies of In Living Color. Please sign up for the opportunity to win one!The books are a generous gift from our friends at Reformed Fellowship.