The lines of battle are drawn early in this debate, as Todd accuses Carl and Aimee of being too “inclusive,” and Carl and Todd indict Aimee for being, well…female. Sounds like a typical day in the bunker!More importantly, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, along with Covenant Presbyterian and P&R Publishing, are joining forces to host Gender, Sexuality, and What it Means to be Human—the Blue Ridge Bible Conference in Harrisonburg, VA on March 29th and 30th. Tim Geiger, president of Harvest USA, is the special guest speaker, while Carl and Todd are just along for the ride.How are we to think of ourselves as persons? How does one consider gender and the moral status of sexual attraction in light of Scripture? Society’s views on sexuality have been changing rapidly, but the roots of such changes are certainly old and deep. Plan to attend, and meet the crew at the conference!We’re happy to offer you the opportunity to win a free registration for the Blue Ridge Bible Conference. Register now!