Join Carl and Todd as they tackle the pressing issues of gender ideology and pastoral practice with special guests Mary Rice Hasson and Theresa Farnan from the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Mary and Theresa have worked on a book titled Gender Ideology and Pastoral Practice: A Handbook for Catholic Clergy, Counselors, and Ministerial Leaders, which Carl believes to be immensely valuable for Protestants and Catholics alike. Discover insights from their book as they discuss the challenges facing pastors today, from pronoun use to public education to the influence of social media on youth.
Our children feel so lonely and alone, so what do they do? They go online, and they find a community of people. So we, as churches – our role has to be that online community. I don't care what denomination you are; if you're not there giving community to your young people, they will go looking for it somewhere, and what they will find is so toxic. – Theresa Farnan
Learn how pastors and churches can equip themselves to address these complex issues with love and truth.
Thanks to the generosity of Notre Dame Press, we are pleased to offer two copies of Gender Ideology and Pastoral Practice: A Handbook for Catholic Clergy, Counselors, and Ministerial Leaders to our listeners. Enter here for the opportunity to win one.
Show Notes:
Ethics and Public Policy Center: https://eppc.org/
Person and Identity Project: https://personandidentity.com/
Gender, Ideology and Pastoral Practice: A Handbook for Catholic Clergy, Counselors and Ministerial Leaders