While Todd is busy attending meetings about the doughnut ministry program at his church, the darling Cruella De Vil is honored to fill in. And the topic is as hot as the oil in that doughnut fryer: Would a church’s basket weaving class somehow further the proclamation of the Gospel? Sometimes, the answer is just…sometimes.So, what are the purposes of church programs, and whom should they serve? Are programs a Biblical criteria for choosing a church? What if a church is unable to offer anything beyond the preached Word, and administration of sacraments on Sundays? Would that church be found lacking?The trio discuss the pros and cons, the temptations to avoid, and the small ways church members can display the love of Christ. You’ll even learn what Carl is doing to better relate to his students!Show NotesThe NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible by ZondervanRosaria Butterfield on hospitalityThe Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals along with Zondervan are giving away The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible. Please register for the opportunity to win one!