He can no longer blend into the background. Carl Trueman is now officially an influencer; he’s a fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington D.C. and a clear and present danger to the unorthodox and “progressive” in this country. The legendary secret bunker has been dusted off, equipped with new transmitting devices, and is now ready to harbor our two outspoken hosts. Trueman and his faithful sidekick Pruitt are now targets of “the mob” for bringing the “cultural transformation” movement to the discussion table. What was that movement supposed to be about, and did it fulfill its purpose? How does the Church participate in cultural transformation affecting ethics and public policy in today’s society? Our naïve duo claims it’s through the power of the Gospel, one soul at a time…but what do they know? We have a few giveaway copies of Ethics beyond Rules: How Christ’s Call to Love Informs Our Moral Choices, compliments of our friends at Zondervan. Register for the opportunity to win one.