Todd is pretty excited to have today’s guest on “his podcast,” who is none other than his Mortification of Spin co-host, Carl Trueman. Together, they discuss Carl’s latest book, To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse, where Carl examines the historical roots of critical theory, its evolution, and its impact on contemporary culture.
I wanted to produce a book that was not a kind of “goodies” and “baddies” book…Everybody coming to critical theory has their opinion on whether the critical theorists are good guys or bad guys. I didn’t really want to address that. What I wanted to do was look at critical theory through the historical lens and say, okay, why did this group of men start thinking this way? What was going on? What sources are they using? What problems are they trying to address or questions are they asking in order to get below the surface? – Carl Trueman
Todd and Carl discuss some key figures of critical theory, such as Marx, Hegel, and Freud, and how they and other early critical theorists shaped modern thought. What are the implications for Christians today? Tune in to find out!
Thanks to the generosity of B&H Academics, we are pleased to award a copy of Carl’s book to Zach C. from Streator, IL!
Show Notes:
To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse