Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
When considering theology, you may think of confusing, lofty terminology that only concerns scholars and pastors. But really, theology is for anyone who wants to understand God better and learn more about the Bible. Carl and Todd welcome Jon Nielson, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Wheaton, IL, to discuss his new book Knowing God's Truth.
Written to make systematic theology clear, meaningful, and practical, Nielson introduces systematic theology in this volume and guides readers through its application in their daily lives. Jon's highly accessible book is a valuable resource for those yearning for a deeper understanding of God and the Bible, including young people and newer believers.
"Systematic theology is important… it's recognizing that Scripture actually does give us a system of doctrine; that we're able to do systematic theology because the Bible gives us a unity of theology and so we're able to actually say, here's what the Bible says about God, about sin, about salvation, etc., etc. " – Todd Pruitt
We are pleased to award three copies of Knowing God's Truth to our listeners, thanks to the generosity of our friends at Crossway. Congratulations to Rena C. from Florence, CO, Gary S. from Jackson, MS, and Jared W. from Spring, TX!